Monday, October 17, 2011

Christ Like Attributes

My Husband Chase is truly my Hero!!
He is always serving others & myself.
Chase has such a pure heart, i strive to be more like him each day.

Today after work, we went to the movies. . . at the end of the movie we were walking out of the theater & passed by a few kids in wheelchairs.  Chase could tell the mentors were short hands & asked if he could push one of the kids into the theater.  It was very touching & inspiring!

He is always looking out for others & is the most SELFLESS person I have ever met!
I am so lucky and grateful to have married such a wonderful man!
He has the true light of Christ and isn't afraid to share the gospel.

I love that about him!
He is extremely kind, loving, funny, charitable, without guile.  Everything i hope to be someday!
I love him more than words & can't wait to spend eternity with him!

Thank you Chase for everything!

I love you.

How did i get so lucky??

Sunday, October 16, 2011

tough Love-

So, I have quite the question I truly need answered.
       Loving those who we don't see eye to eye with.
               How do I do it?

I am STUBBORN.  That is no secret!  I don't like to be wrong.  Then again... Who does??

I come from a STRONG LDS family and have been taught Respect, Integrity, and most importantly Gratitude. I am not used to people needing attention.  I am not used to people speaking freely and colorfully.  

I married into what I like to call, "A Double Family".  It has been really wonderful for me & at the same time a challenge.  I feel blessed to have twice the amount of in-laws, twice the amount of support, and double the fun.  I do love BIG families.  However, with twice the amount of people, there are more personalities & differences.  

One that has been on my mind all day is JESSA LOVE ADAMS-

I gained a sister-in-law my own age.  
      Jessa is a spunky fireball.  She knows what she wants, and she goes for it.  She is loud and speaks her mind freely.  She is a BEAUTY.   Never a dull moment with her. Jessa is an inspiration to people!  She has such an exciting outlook on life and isn't afraid of a challenge.  She doesn't let things in the past get in the way with the future. Very admirable & adventurous.

Those that know me, know that I am one to sit quietly in the back of a large crowd.  I am one who would rather listen than talk.  I am very conservative and held back.  I don't like change.  I don't deal with change very well. I get overwhelmed and almost a tad intimidated. 

  My solution to change is to shut down, 
                  bottle things up, and then explode when I can't take anymore. 

I shut down at a family reunion earlier this year and just pulled the extremely immature cold shoulder act.  I tried to create words, but it was like my mouth wouldn't let them out.  (due to my stubbornness)  I am still in the process of fixing things completely.  I am trying to love unconditionally as the Savior would.  I am trying to just forgive and forget. 
                                   I have learned to respect everybody no matter their outlook on life, choices, or feelings.  I have learned to let things go, to forgive... but maybe it is that i am still working on the forgetting thing.  I need to not hold people to such high standards, and love no matter what.  

I learned today that trying is not near good enough.  I need to quit trying & actually DO.  I need to be the cute, KIND, fun loving sister-in-law I want to be.  Someday I want my kiddos to love unconditionally, and not be judgemental. 
               How are they suppose to do that when i'm being stuck up and bratty and when I, myself  wont move on??

I don't want to be the rude, snooty, judgemental in law.  The one everyone dreads seeing at a family get together.

So starting today, I am letting things go, I am going to fix things up. I am going to start being the sister-in-law that she can hopefully feel comfortable going to if she ever needed something. I want her to feel comfortable to visit her brother, or to come over.  I want my kids to love their Auntie & look forward to seeing her. 
       I want to have the sweet sister-in-law relationship where I can take over pumpkin cupcakes with a "just because" note.  OR to be able to just shoot a text without feeling i'm overstepping my boundaries.

I love Jessa!  I love her sense of style.  I sometimes envy the gorgeous selection of her trendy clothes.  Her spontaneous personality.  Most of all, I love how close she and Chase are.  I love their relationship & would never want to do anything that would put a dent in that.  

    I've had a change of heart.  I love and care for you Jessa Love Adams.  I am sorry it has taken me sooo long to figure out how to deal with change, how to get over MYSELF & problems.  I hope that we someday will have a close relationship. Look on the bright side... you'd get pumpkin cupcakes! ;)

Friday, October 14, 2011

i feel pretty & witty & bright!

As many of you may know, I love Glee!
I love the music, I think Sue is hilarious...
anyways... i was watching re-runs yesterday and came across this episode.... & i LOVE this song!

I truly hate that in todays world that if we don't like something about ourselves... we cover it up instead of embracing it.

Be comfortable in your own skin!  Love who you are and your quirky attributes, they make you unique!

Have confidence & own your body.
Own your big nose, or your small boobs.
Learn to love your eye color, your small hands.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

library & studying

I came to the conclusion that i truly miss school.
I miss the homework & the education.
I miss having expectations & making flash cards to study for tests.
I miss staying up all night, the night before finals cramming.

I can't wait to get back into school, i'm sure my feelings will change but until then... i miss it!

I wish UVU had either a fashion design, interior design, or a really good pastry degree.  ...
but i guess i can settle for graphic arts!

I truly enjoy making little clips of things, and designing on computers... so hopefully it'll be wonderful!  3 semesters & i'll have my degree in it! I just need to stick to it as soon as i get going on it!

Anyways- Life had been crazy in the Adams home.
Chase works full time & school full time.
I work at Pier 1 & am looking for a night job to keep me occupied!
I love where life is at right now, we are so happy with what we have.

We do need to get better at taking more pictures of our fun adventurous nights!