Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Mommy Time

Being a mom... SERIOUSLY the best thing that could possibly happen to me.

Henry is such a joy!   He has definitely turned our little world upside down, but hey we LOVE it!

Things I have learned in the past 11 days...

1. I can function off of a couple hours of sleep.
2. Henry will always come first.  His needs are my top priority in life.
3. I can shower (including shaving) in less than 10 minutes.
4. Nursing has been the hardest part of pregnancy/being a mom... (I told myself when I got pregnant that everything would be a breeze.  Labor/Delivery/Postpartum care - ALL a breeze.  I never thought twice about nursing... didn't know it could be hard to do...  haha man i was wrong.  Henry is GREAT at everything he does... sometimes we just struggle at getting him to latch. We are going in to a specialist on Friday... hopefully She will be able to help us latch, (because i didn't picture myself pumping every couple hours to feed this sweet big boy!)
5. I could lay around snuggling this boy ALL day long... snuggles anytime, i'll take!
6. Henry pee's, poops & spits up on me daily... & i still love being a mom.

well.. that is all for now. Little Henry is up and awake.. Time for me to go admire our sweet boy!

Being a Parent is truly the best!

I promise i'll get on and post pictures of our happenings soon!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Henry's Birth Story

We were scheduled for an induction on Thursday April 11, 2013 at 6pm....
Thursday DRAGGED on & on & on... it felt as if 6pm was never going to come!

Chase & I ran a few errands, cleaned, & got everything ready for when Henry would be home with us.
We then went over to my parents to pass time by playing with lulu & zoey & also playing some mario kart.

We received a call from the hospital at 5:30 saying... don't come in at 6pm, all our beds are full.  We will call you and let you know, plan on 9-10pm.

I was so sad. ha ha
at 7pm i got a phone call from Labor & Delivery that said come now, we have an open bed!!

Wahoo!!! It was time to get this baby boy here!

Chase and I went to the hospital and checked in about 7:30.  We started the cytotec at 8pm.
When we started I was only a 1.5 and 60% effaced with very little contractions.  At 8:15pm I was having HUGE contractions that were very regular.  At 9:00pm our nurse came in to insert another round of cytotec.  I was not at a 2 and 80% effaced.  I was not in any pain, just couldn't sleep due to excitement/discomfort from the contractions.  They came in and gave me fentanyl every hour... boy that didn't take long to make me feel higher than a kite. I was sleeping great, and laughing with the nurses through out the night.  Dr. Rhees said i wouldn't need anymore cytotec because it was working and I was having a ton of contractions... good news!  by 10pm I was at a 3 and 85% effaced.  around 3am I was at a 4 and 90% effaced.  Dr. Rhees came in and broke my water at 3:28am.... Strangest feeling I have ever experienced... water literally gushed out for a good 4-5 minutes and then continued to come out as I moved.  The anesthesologist was by our room around 4:30.. so we figured we might as well get the epidural while he was there... (didn't hurt one bit). around 5am, they started me on pitocin because i was at a stand still.  Every hour the nurse came in to check... I wasn't having much improvement.  At noon I was 5cm and 90% effaced.  at 1pm the nurse came in and said... YOU ARE A 10 & 100% EFFACED! woo hoo!! we were both so shocked, yet super excited.  By this point, my legs were completely numb... putting them in stirrups was quite the job. All of the nurses had told me to plan on pushing for 3-4 hours with the first baby.  BUT as soon as my legs were in the stirrups, Dr. Drewes came and checked and said we would be having this baby soon.  He could already see the head.  After 2 contractions & literally 4 pushes later, Henry was OUT! There wasn't enough time for to cut, so naturally I had 2nd degree tearing.  We weren't expecting Henry to weigh over 9 pounds.  Such a big baby.. but such an EASY labor/delivery!

 Such a tender, sweet moment that was!
I looked at Chase as he went with Henry to get cleaned and as i got stitched.  Such an emotional thing... Seeing the love that Chase had for our little baby was so overpowering.  It was like the Heavens opened up for a brief moment.  I never thought I could love anyone as much as Chase... yet here was little Henry and my Heart tripled in size.  This was our little miracle. Chase and I made this BEAUTIFUL baby boy! Holding him for the first time was so surreal!! Needless to say, we are in love!  Henry is loved by so many people!!
after 13 hours of labor... haha watching cupcake wars with chase

the best husband i could ever ask for. we were laughing the whole time.

so many iv cords. 
sugar water

our sweet boy is here!

in love all over again

my two loves... my life couldn't be any better

after a 3am feeding... so exhausted 

eating dinner while holding my baby

my mom admiring Henrys long body

Burrito boy! 

Video of Henry after a diaper change... cutest thing ever.

Chase holding Henry... this is after spending 3 nights on a hospital couch/bed.  We were both SO tired.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

last night of the 3 of us... soon to be 4!

Here we are.

Sitting. Waiting. Hoping that we will receive a call from Labor & Delivery!

We were scheduled to go in at 6pm.... however there are no empty beds at this moment.
They will call us between now and 9pm to let us know when to come in.
We are just so excited to meet this little man.
Chase & I cleaned and played with out little Lulu Lemon today.
She can tell something is about to change her world. ... she will be best friends with little Henry.

Henry has been SO active today, I think HE knows that he's coming out soon!

Here is a picture of our family now... can't wait for one in a day or so of the 4 of us.

Don't mind my swollen face... i have been retaining fluid for quite some time, and it surely shows! 

Monday, April 8, 2013

t minus 3 days...

Henry is COMING! woo hoo!!

We are so incredibly excited for this little baby boy to get here!  It is such a great feeling to know that we will have him in our arms in just a few short days!! We are scheduled to go in Thursday evening to start the induction process.  We will start with a cytotek induction Thursday and then will start pitocin friday morning/early afternoon.  So HOPEFULLY we will have a baby on Friday, if not Saturday!
Henry isn't doing too much, ha he must be cozy in there!  He officially has NO room to move around, it's pretty crammed!  For the past 4 weeks i have been dialated to a 1.  We were hoping over the month that we would be more than a 1.

Here are some recent happenings of ours...
We spend a lot of time at the hospital visiting our sweet Maraia Weingarten & Family.
Maraia is our little miracle.  She has come SO far!! For those of you who don't know Maraia... you are missing out.  She is one of my hero's in life!  Here are just a few words that describe her...

Sweet             Kind                       Loyal        CHRIST LIKE                  true                
         Compassionate                 Honest                                            Loving                       Amazing
Talented                  Spiritual                    Without Guile                               Charitable

I could go on all day,  she is the definition of living Christ like.  She is such a Saint and inspiration to everyone she comes in contact with.  Our visits with her are very special.  She will always hold a special place in my heart.  She is my second mom.  You can see the Lord's hand in her healing process.  She is a fighter, and will continue to get stronger every day.  We love you Maraia!! Henry can't wait to meet his bubu!

Girls Night with my Lulu Lemon

Our little buddy Piers thinks there is a big brown bull dog in my belly.  haha He is scared that if he comes close to my belly, that the bull dog will bark at him.  Hopefully he wont be disappointed when Henry comes out instead. haha

Chase and Piersy Poo have become buddies!  Love them.