I have clearly been the worst blogger out there. How hard is it to get on once a month and document recent happenings... super hard I guess.
Henry is almost 10 months old.... WHAT??
He weighs 22 lbs and is 32 inches long!! big BOY!
He is so much fun, and seriously has me laughing with his personality.
He has yet to crawl, he tries and can't figure out how to bring his knees under himself... so instead it looks like he is practicing for the olympics swimming.
He LOVES his walker and his bouncer.
He naps great and is sleeping in his crib really great! (at 7 months he decided he hated his crib, I couldn't take the fight every night so for the past 2 months he has slept in our bed :/)
Crib training is probably the hardest thing I have done as a mom. Listening to him cry it out that first night about killed me. He now only cries about 5 minutes and then he's out!
He has gotten sick twice in the past few months. He has a nasty cold right now and I think he's starting a double ear infection. He is constantly tugging at his ears. :(
I must say that I become more grateful and more humbled by him daily. Especially when I am up all night holding him so he can sleep. It's in the quiet times that I feel so blessed to be his mom. That I get to be the one rocking him to sleep. Waking up to his bright smiling face and giggles gets me every time too.
Baby #2 and Henry already play. Henry will push on my belly, and Baby 2 will kick back. It's quite comical.
We find out what we are having on valentines day! We are so excited. We honestly are happy either way. I have felt that it's a boy since day 1, but I am so excited to see! I told Chase I would like a boy 51% and a girl 49%. haha I think a boy would be great for Henry with them being 14 months apart, but then again... I know a girl would be just as great. So honestly we will be so happy either way!!
Chase and I have been busy busy. Chase works full time and then does night school full time. I just quit working at Nexus... It was bittersweet. I had been there 2 years and have really enjoyed working there. I need to be home with Henry during the days though!
That's all I have time for today!
I promise I'll make it a goal to become better at blogging!