Big Hank is almost 1!!
Oh my GOSH! I cannot believe it, where has the past year gone?
New things with Henry-
LOVES oranges & anything real people food. He definitely knows when we are eating something and he doesn't like when he is stuck with mashed up baby food, and we have chicken, potatoes, and veggies.
He LOVES balls! He is great at playing catch and bouncing them.
Still not crawling or walking... I honestly don't think he will crawl. He has mastered rolling from A to B. His balance is fantastic however, so when he decides he wants to walk, he will be cruising.
He love the outdoors! We have really been spoiled with this great weather. He plays with his toys on the grass and sometimes takes his nap in the sun.
Baby Leena is just about 25 weeks! This pregnancy has flown by. I know it's because I am busy with Henry, and it's been lovely. With Leena I crave RED meat. (I maybe eat a bite of steak once a year, if that) Leena wants steak ALL the time. It is bizarre.
My only complaint about this pregnancy.... is PUPPS. It is a very itchy skin rash that only goes away AFTER you have delivered. There is nothing you can do until then. I am up every hour making myself not itch. It is awful! Mind over Matter though right? If any of you have remedies, let me know!
Leena is much smaller than Henry, which is quite a relief... we will see if she stays that way. She is measuring right on schedule if not a tad behind. Henry measured 2-3 weeks from the get go. I haven't gotten nearly as big this time around either (fingers crossed) It has just been easier.
Leena loves hearing Henry talk and laugh. Henry isn't sure what to think when she kicks his hand. They are going to be best buds!
We can't wait for this semester to be over so we can have Chase to ourselves after work for a few weeks before summer starts up! We are SO blessed to have him as a Husband and Father. He works so hard to provide for our growing little family.