Saturday, August 30, 2014

say buh bye to the baby weight.

So, I suck at blogging. True story.  Not much to say about it besides the fact that the struggle is real. Unreal, how real the struggle is.

Life is busy for me.  2 babies that require my full attention.  Full time school.  Housewife.  Possibly night time job.  Busy.  Adventurous. Stressful. Great.

I am choosing to post about my weight loss/body transformation on here.  It will keep my on track.  Let's be honest.... I gained so much weight with Henry.  Being on bedrest for months. Eating out all the time.  It was bad. The night I went in to have Henry I had gotten up to 285 lbs! WHAT?! (insert monkey coving his eyes emoticon here).  Somehow I had never felt more beautiful though.  Something about being pregnant just makes you feel beautiful... even though everything with your body is off.

I had started losing a lot of weight, and was in my great habits when we found out we were pregnant with Leena.  haha I kept up my good habits, up until my round ligament pain was too much.  I did as much as I could to keep healthy... then I was put on bedrest again.

The day I went in to have Leena I was up to 278 lbs.  Still scary... I know.  I never thought I would see the numbers on the scale that high... or at least I had hoped.

I have been taking the kids jogging every morning, and I have been trying to do pilates a few times a week.  I am proud to say in 2 months I have lost 38 lbs! Weighing in at 240 lbs!  Seems ridiculous to be so excited over a number so high.... but it's big progress.  I have another 80 lbs to lose before I am at my goal weight... aka the weight I was when I married Chase.  I have to remind myself that it took 18 months to put the weight on, so I am giving myself 18 months to get it off.  A day at a time.  right?
So I am going to use this blog to document my journey!  Heres to losing the last 80!

& time for the picture overload of my kidlets.

Henry is 16 months old.  He loves reading.  water.  making Leena smile.  Mickey Mouse.
He is finally sleeping in his own bed!  He still takes 2 LONG naps.  He is such a goofball and we sure love him... oh & he is ALMOST walking.  He walks all the time without thinking about it, but he wont for us. ( I still think he runs around when I am not in the room)

Leena is 2 months old.  She is seriously the perfect baby.  Last night she slept from 10pm-8am (when we woke her up)  She is a spitting image of chase as a baby.  She loves the water as much as Henry. & Henry is the only one who has gotten her to giggle. SWEETEST thing ever.

Chase as a baby    ------------>