Wednesday, August 17, 2011

everything works out... it always does

life is bizarre. weird. frustrating at times.    ...   but i think that is what makes life so great.

over this past year i have learned a whole lot about life.
about the pain 
and sorrow it can bring...
i still haven't figured out why us humans lash out at people we love
Why we take all our frustration out on others?
why we like to make rude irrational, hurtful comments??

i have learned these past few months that those hurtful comments, those irrational comments do no good to anyone.  i have come to understand that the only true cause for these hurtful words is the one saying them.
i have to remind myself that the people who make rude snide remarks are fighting their own battles.
that they themselves are hurting on the inside.

why is it that when we are so vulnerable, jealous, insecure, or maybe even just immature-- why is it that we find it ok to try to degrade, disrespect, and bring others down??   it's a bit twisted and wrong, right?

i don't understand, but it's not for me to understand.  i've realized that i just need to get over these things/actions that are thrown my way.  that i just need to be "the bigger person" and turn the other cheek.  fill my heart with love instead of frustration. 
walking around life with a big chip on your shoulder only harms yourself.  it's no bueno.
so i'm going to try giving love a chance, the whole "forgive and forget" thing might actually be amazing.

i have learned in life that if you keep your chin up and make it through those rough times, a happy moment will come to you.  you will be blessed for being strong and making it through.

I do know that family is crucial!!  friends come and go, but you are stuck with your family forever.
i love it.  i know that you need family in this life... 
life can be hard and cruel, you need your family-- the safe place to go when the world is just too much. family is a blessing to have. 

one of the most important concepts i have grasped in life is knowing that everything always works out.  i'm not sure how.. but it does, and to that i am extremely grateful.

well that's all my thoughts for the day.

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