Thursday, February 28, 2013

heart of the matter

As I lay here in bed, there are quite a few things on my mind.

I have a very full heart towards my little Henry.  I am truly grateful for the blessing of being pregnant, and being able to bond with this little guy from day one.  I cannot explain how much love i have for him already.  I want little henry to keep growing, and keep getting stronger.

Bed Rest is not ideal... it is probably the hardest thing i have encountered in my short life.  I want to get up and do laundry/vacuum/dishes/ etc...  I feel so incapable and useless...  Then i remind myself that henry needs rest, and he needs more time to grow strong.  He usually will give me a friendly kick/punch when i start to get down about not doing anything.  It's so much easier to do things when you know you are doing them for the little baby growing in your belly.

Forgiveness... This is a huge thing on my mind!
So many people these days get their feelings hurt and take offense where none was intended.  It breaks my heart to see people get so mad over little things.  I know that they are hurting on the inside and fighting their own battles... There is no other reasonable explanation as to why they act the way they do.  There is a song that i absolutely love that sums up my feelings towards this topic.

This world is already hard/rough enough.  We need more soft/friendly/loving people in it.  Look for the best in people, and build them up!  Everyone has their own issues and battles... Be Happy and Optimistic.  Life can be Beautiful... it's all in the eyes of the beholder.

Cheer up buttercup.  Put on your big girl panties and move on!  People aren't out to get you, don't take offense where it wasn't intended!

This is not the version i prefer. but you'll get the idea of the song!  I love the india arie version.  look it up! it's wonderful!

"...The more I know, the less I understand
All the things I thought I knew, I'm learning them again
I've been tryin' to get down to the Heart of the Matter
But my will gets weak
And my thoughts seem to scatter
But I think it's about forgiveness...

These times are so uncertain
There's a yearning undefined
And people filled with rage
We all need a little tenderness
How can love survive in such a graceless age?

All the people in your life who've come and gone
They let you down, you know they hurt your pride
Better put it all behind you; cause life goes on
You keep carrin' that anger, it'll eat you up inside

I wanna be happily everafter
And my heart is so shattered
But I know it's about forgiveness..."

This song sums up some of my feelings tonight. 
Forgiveness and learning to look past others mistakes."

That is all for tonight!  More to come on Henry and other random thought while lying in bed!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

stubborn little boy

Chase & I wanted to surprise my Dad for his birthday!
I scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound with my ob's office.
We were so excited to see Henry's face.
I have too much amniotic fluid, which is great for 3D ultrasounds!
However, Henry was nuzzled up in the placenta and wouldn't budge.
We tried everything,
rolling me from side to side.
drinking diet coke to wake him up.
walking laps around the office...
pushing on him.

right after we walked laps around the office, he finally moved,  turned away from us.
haha he didn't like being disturbed. We got a great 3D of the back of his head, but that is about it.

We still love seeing him in just regular 2D!
We got great videos of his little face, heartbeat, and movements.

He is still measuring ahead of schedule!! woo woot!

He now weighs 4.1 lbs and his weight is just under the 50 percentile.

He has huge feet and Chase's chin!!
haha we love seeing all the different characteristics of this little man.

Here are a few pictures we got from today! (my computer is struggling and not letting me put up the video we got of him)

                                                          Here is his sweet profile with his head to the right and his body going to the left.

His face straight on.  

His foot.  Look at the BIG toe with his other toes curled in!! 

We couldn't be more excited for him to come!! He is already such a blessing and brings so much joy to us!  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

29 weeks and counting

We went to the doctors this week for our monthly appointment.  
My blood pressure is up and has been for a while now, that makes the doctors worried.  They said they will take you out sooner that 40 weeks if it stays up.  We are hoping that this is just gestational hypertension and that it doesn't turn into preeclampsia.  
They have me going in weekly to keep a close eye on things.   
I am suppose to destress my life.  Starting with work and my church calling.  I can no longer exercise or do much that requires strength/energy.  It has been really hard for me to not do much... BUT i do NOT want to end up on bed rest.... i would go CRAZY!! 
on the plus side...
You are looking great & you have a very strong steady heart beat  (it makes me smile every time i hear it) 
You are measuring 2 weeks ahead of schedule and I couldn't be happier.. 
I hope you will get here soon, I can't wait to just hold you and be your mom. 

I am definitely in mama bear mode.  I get so protective when people make comments about you.  I don't like when people say they are going to come see you everyday.  I just want to have you to myself 24/7.  How Selfish of me, right?  I think it is just all my raging pregnancy hormones/emotions that is making me feel this way. 
 I know i will love when people come to visit. 

...Especially Pammie G Baby!  I trust her with my whole heart to watch you!  She will provide you with the most uplifting/positive environment.  I wouldn't have to worry about you hearing anything negative.  I know that you would get so much attention, and love!  You wouldn't have to worry about when mommy would be home, because pammie G is just like me... (or is it the other way around?) ha ha

You are already mentioned in every family prayer.  "Please bless that Henry will be my little buddy."  "Please bless Henry that he will know how much he is already loved."   It really touches my heart.  I know that you will love spending time over at Papa & pammie G's.  You will learn that us Graves center our lives on Christ and try our best to follow him.  You will learn that not a day goes by without laughter/goofiness/dancing/singing.  Us Graves definitely know how to laugh and to have a good time. We are a tightly knit bunch and you are just going to add so much joy to that!  

I feel truly blessed to have such an amazing family.  I feel blessed to have a mom that chose to be at home with her kids.  I am blessed to have had a mom who always had a snack on the table after school.  A mom who helped us with homework.  Someone who always had the best interest for us.  A mom who taught us integrity/loyalty/happiness/and how to love. 

I feel blessed to have had a dad who showed us how to work hard.  A dad who showed us how to save money.  A dad who treated my mom like a queen.  A dad who knows how to have fun, and will still play mario kart & wii bowling.  A dad who taught us tithing is very important and to always put the Lord first.  

I am blessed.  
Henry, you will be blessed as well.  
You have great influences in your life, and i know they have the best interest for you!  

Mommy will try her hardest to be the best mom ever.  I will try to always be a good example and to provide you with the best possible life.  I honestly can't wait for you to come.  I play the song Beautiful Boy to you every night.  This has become your song!  (This was also Uncles Howard's song)

I know that Daddy is the best example for you.  He is such a hard worker.  He always puts God first in his life, and he always reminds mom not to stress.  God always takes care of us.  Dad can't wait to sing to you, read to you, and teach you sports things.  I know that he loves you to the moon and back x a million.  We are so lucky to have him in our lives!  I can't think of a better man out there.  He has every quality we could ever ask for.  

I know lulu is getting excited for you to come.  She doesn't know it yet, but it'll be a big change for her.  She will still be out little princess.  I know that you two will become best friends very quickly.  She has already tested out your carseat/ and everything else we have for you!  She is so excited to have a little buddie to play with!  

We Love you Henry Nathan Adams!  
Only a few more weeks til we get to meet you!! 

Keep growing my little boy!!

All the love from our hearts-
Mommy Daddy & Lulu