I scheduled a 3D/4D ultrasound with my ob's office.
We were so excited to see Henry's face.
I have too much amniotic fluid, which is great for 3D ultrasounds!
However, Henry was nuzzled up in the placenta and wouldn't budge.
We tried everything,
rolling me from side to side.
drinking diet coke to wake him up.
walking laps around the office...
pushing on him.
right after we walked laps around the office, he finally moved, turned away from us.
haha he didn't like being disturbed. We got a great 3D of the back of his head, but that is about it.
We still love seeing him in just regular 2D!
We got great videos of his little face, heartbeat, and movements.
He is still measuring ahead of schedule!! woo woot!
He now weighs 4.1 lbs and his weight is just under the 50 percentile.
He has huge feet and Chase's chin!!
haha we love seeing all the different characteristics of this little man.
Here are a few pictures we got from today! (my computer is struggling and not letting me put up the video we got of him)
Here is his sweet profile with his head to the right and his body going to the left.
His face straight on.
His foot. Look at the BIG toe with his other toes curled in!!
We couldn't be more excited for him to come!! He is already such a blessing and brings so much joy to us!
I'm soooooo excited to meet Henry!