*I usually like to have my hospital bag packed and ready to go just in case. I also like the kitchen clean, and my bed made. None of that happened due to oversleeping.* I figured I would just come home and clean after my appointment.
I dropped Henry off and booked it to the hospital. I had my fluid checked- had an abundance as usual. Then I was hooked up to the monitors and got on my phone to check instagram and facebook to pass the time. After about 30 minutes or so the nurse came in and said, "oh no baby, that's not what we want to see." (I just assumed Leena was sleeping and not have accelerations like they want)
When the perinatologist came in, I knew it was more serious than that. Leena's heart was decelerating when they wanted it to accelerate. I was told there were two options.
Option 1- Run blood tests & another 24 hour urine test.
Option 2- Deliver the sweet babe.
Before I had time to call Chase and let him know of the options, they told me I would be induced. Due to the lack of beds in L&D I had an hour to run and get Chase, and grab my bag. Thank goodness for having family so close that could take Henry for a few days!
Chase and I ran home and packed the bag for the hospital, and also a bag for Henry. We then ran to Harmons and got Henry a bunch of milk, food, and snacks. We dropped it off at my parents and headed to the hospital.
We got all checked in and situated around 12. Nurse came in and hooked me up to the monitors and started my IV. I was positive for Group B Strep, so they started antibiotics. My Dr. was in Manti at a wedding and would be back up later that day. For that reason we waited to start pitiocin until 4pm. Once Pitiocin was started, my contractions started to get more regular. I was dialted to a 3 and about 70% effaced. I got my epidural around 6pm. (I wasn't in pain yet. I figure if I am paying for the epi that I will use it to it's full advantage of not feeling any pain!)
My contraction monitor wasn't picking up my contractions, so they switched to a internal monitor. Even then, it wasn't picking them up. Leena was in distress, so I was moved to my left side with oxygen. At 8 I was still a 3 and Leena wasn't looking great. We then checked around 10pm and I was at a 7 and 100% effaced. They called my Dr. and got my ready to push. My Dr. came in and a Resident. I was at a 9. As soon as my legs were put up in stirrups the fire alarm at the hospital went off. Apparently the "Placenta Fridge" was plugged into an electrical strip and started a fire. Big excitement! I was then at a 10 and ready to push! 3 contractions later Leena was out. Her head was turned and as soon as she straightened it, she slipped right out. I let the Resident deliver her and he did GREAT!
When Leena came out, I couldn't believe how SMALL she was! I was expecting a 8-9lb baby and just by looking at her, I knew she wasn't anywhere near that big. I also noticed her beautiful long fingers and long feet. She was perfect. We had her at 10:47pm. She was 6lbs 15 oz. 19 inches long.
While I was being sewn up, we all admired this tiny babe. I got skin to skin with her for the longest time and was able to feed her. Leena is an AWESOME eater. She latched right on and actually ate. (Henry was AWFUL at nursing) Leena and Chase went down to the nursery around 1am. I was then wheeled down to mother/baby around 1:30am.
We got Leena all settled in the nursery and me all settled in my room. Chase went home to sleep and came back in the morning. Everything was so peaceful and perfect!
Leena couldn't be any more perfect and Henry couldn't be more of a cute big brother! We are SO in love with our little kiddos!
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