Tuesday, April 12, 2016

the tired momma

I am a mom to 3 under 3.  
Henry is 3.
Leena is almost 2.
& Benny 4 months.

I work full time from home doing Medical Billing.

I also have all my womanly duties. ;) 
jk, I don't view them as that, but I like to have the house clean, dishes done, laundry folded and put away by the time Chase (my husband) walks through the door.

We are in the middle of buying a townhome in PG, and the thought of packing right now is sending my BP through the roof

Today was Henrys Birthday. 
Today I lost my cool too many times to count.
My husband may have received a snap that looked like this... with the caption of
"this is what your children get to deal with today"

I was "that mom" or what I call "Monster Mom".

I was Monster Mom on Henry's 3rd birthday. 
I got mad when Henry threw fits, I got mad when Leena wanted snuggles.
I was bugged that Benny wanted to eat every hour, on the hour. (babies, right?)

It wasn't until I had 3 tiny humans screaming at me, that I realized I was the problem.
That is when I put work on hold, and decided to be a mom.
Fed Benny, and put him down for a nice nap.
Snuggled Leena, and put her down for a nice nap.
Build choo choo tracks with Hen.

They turned me back into normal, fun, nice mom.

Needless to say, I am EXHAUSTED.  Today was a day where I felt as though someone had drained the life out of me. 
I am running on empty and just don't have much more to give. 

Now, I am not saying this to get pity, or "woe as me".

Motherhood can be draining, It can be hard, who am I kidding... It is always hard! 
with that being said...


Keep pushing through. You are doing just fine. 

To the Mama who is up at 2am feeding her baby- It gets easier. Your babe will sleep through the night, and you'll feel like a new woman.  

To the Mama who is pumping/breastfeeding and feels like a slave to her boob... - good luck, I feel your pain. haha! I wish I could say it gets easier.. maybe I should say your child will thank you. yadda yadda yadda..  just keep swimming, just keep swimming.

To the Mama at the grocery store with a few kids in tow, trying to keep a smile on her face despite what her children are doing.- It gets better, hang in there.

To the Mama who is literally drained- You are a rockstar, take some ZZZQuil tonight- you earned it. 

To the Mama who is self conscience- STOP IT! Your body is gorgeous and perfect just the way it is. You grew a tiny human... MIRACLE!  Now stop beating up on yourself for having tiger stripes and a few extra squishy areas.

To the Mama who is yelling at her kids for being kids- Tomorrow brings a new day. A clean slate. A day to react differently.

To the Mama who has it all together, clean house, happy kids, etc... - Way to go!! You deserve to feel like a freaking Godess... you are! 

Just remember to soak up the good moments, and the not so good. It does get easier. 
h.e.double.hockey.sticks,  I blinked and Henry is now 3. 

Embrace that chaos and keep going!

xoxo-the tired momma

1 comment:

  1. Preach momma! Glad you blogged :) You make me happy. You've got this - and don't worry, I was right there being Monster Mom today (pretty much everyday). You're a rock star for mothering, wife-ing, working, all the -ing's. You got this Liv!
